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Even More Reason to Boost Internet of Things Security: Feds Spying

As if there wasn’t already enough reason to make privacy and security your top IoT priority (see what I wrote earlier this week), now there’s more evidence Uncle Sam may be accessing your IoT data as part of its overall surveillance efforts (MEMO to NSA Director: we notice the lights at the Stephenson household went […]

Resolved: That 2015 Is When Privacy & Security Become #IoT Priority!

I’m a right-brained, intuitive type (ENFP, if you’re keeping Myers-Briggs score…), and sometimes that pays off on issues involving technology & the general public, especially when the decidedly non-technical, primal issue of FEAR comes into the equation.
I used to do a lot of crisis management work with Fortune 100 companies, and usually worked with engineers, […]

Launching New Service Speaking About the Internet of Things

I’ve given speeches to business and academic audiences around the world for nearly 30 years, but haven’t tried my hand at paid public speaking until now!
However, I feel so strongly about the transformational potential of the Internet of Things that I want to evangelize on the Big Stage now, reaching corporate management, associations, and — […]

CRUCIAL: more media coverage underscores need for IoT emphasis on privacy & security

Sorry to keep harping on it, but two recent articles in high-visibility publications — The NY Times and Forbes — underscore my contention that security and privacy issues threaten to derail the IoT revolution before it really gets going.
I say that because I spent a decade as an award-winning corporate crisis communicator — on more […]

Shodan: maybe this will get people to take IoT privacy/security seriously!

Wired has an article this week about Shodan, the “IoT search engine,” which I hope scares the bejesus out of enough companies and government officials that they’ll finally realize how absolutely critical it is that we make security and privacy THE top public policy/corporate management priorities regarding the IoT.
Shodan’s homepage proudly proclaims that it will […]

Internet of Things op-ed in Industry Week

I recently published the following op-ed in Industry Week, the bible of manufacturing, taking the U.S. government to task for ignoring the tremendous potential of the Internet of Things, especially in light of the Chinese government’s massive support for the #IoT. Please feel free to pass it on, especially to elected officials:
The Internet of Things: […]">Stephenson blogs on Internet of Things Internet of Things strategy, breakthroughs and management