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Liveblogging from Internet of Things Global Summit
Critical Infrastructure and IoT
Robert Metzger, Shareholder, Rogers Joseph O’Donnell
a variety of constraints to direct government involvement in IoT
regulators: doesn’t trust private sector to do enough, but regulation tends to be prescriptive.
NIST can play critical role: standards and best practices, esp. on privacy and security.
Comparatively, any company knows more about potential and liabilities of IoT than […]
IoT: LiveBlogging PTC’s LiveWorx
Got here a little late for CEO Jim Heppelman’s keynote, so here goes!
Vuforia: digital twin gives you everything needed for merging digital “decorations” on the physical object
Unique perspective: AR takes digital back to the physical. Can understand & make better decisions.
Virtual reality would allow much of the same. Add in 3-D printing, etc.
“IoT is PLM.” Says […]
Libelium: flexibility a key strategy for IoT startups
I’ve been fixated recently on venerable manufacturing firms such as 169-yr. old Siemens making the IoT switch. Time to switch focus, and look at one of my fav pure-play IoT firms, Libelium. I think Libelium proves that smart IoT firms must, above all, remain nimble and flexible, by three interdependent strategies:
avoiding picking winners among communications protocols […]
#IoT and Trump’s Election
I try to keep my politics out of this blog (disclosure: I am an old-fashioned liberal Democrat, who cares about poor, working-class white men AND everyone), but I do feel compelled to bring one little factoid to your attention: a quick review of Google earlier for “Internet of Things” AND Trump revealed absolutely nothing. As for […]
Brexit and the IoT: Let’s Capitalize on the Opportunity, Not Wallow in Despair
Wow: as the old Dinah Washington ditty went, “What a Difference a Day Makes.” Since last Thursday, I doubt even the most diehard IoT zealots have thought about anything but Brexit and its implications. Now that we’ve had a little time to reflect and digest exactly how dire the possible problems are, I’d like to […]
Internet of Things Can Pay Off for Small & Medium Businesses Too
Think again, if you’re a small and medium-sized business (SMB) that is holding back on Internet of Things projects until the price of software and components such as sensors came down and the technology is more robust!
INEX Advisors’ IoT Impact LABS, an accelerator program in New Bedford, MA brings together IoT startups, top technology and industrial suppliers such as […]
Why Global Warming Must Be IoT Focus for Everyone
I want to offer you six great reasons — five of them are seated with my wife and me in this photo — why we all should make global warming a primary focus of IoT projects for the foreseeable future.
There simply is no way to sugar-coat the grim news coming out of the Paris climate talks: […]
Live Blogging from the IoT Global Summit
Came in on end of presentation by Rep. Suzan DelBene, D-WA, co-chair of the House IoT Caucus and an IT industry vet. Her litany of federal inaction in the face of rapidly-evolving tech — especially regarding privacy protections, where the key law was enacted in 1986 — was really dispiriting, although it’s good to know […]
Free Citywide IoT Data Networks Will Catapult IoT Spread to Hyperspeed!
One of the truly exciting things about viral digital phenomena is how rapidly they can take hold, outstripping the slow, methodical spread of innovations in the pre-digital era. I suspect we may be on the verge of that happening again, with an unlikely impetus: the crowdsourced global movement to create free citywide IoT data networks.
We’re been […]
Boston Crowdsourced Campaign to Give City 1st Citywide Free IoT Data Network in US
You’ll remember I got quite excited while blogging the new citywide free IoT data network in Amsterdam, and decided on the spot to make Boston the first US city with such a network. Here’s our release!
Crowdsourced Campaign to Create Free Citywide IoT-Data Network in Boston
would be first city in US to share Internet of Things’ […]