et al.: How About Them Red Sox?

Posted on 9th October 2013 in Uncategorized

Here’s one of my infrequent diversions from the business of the IoT and data. My apologies if you don’t suffer from a severe case of Red Sox Fever right now….

How about them Red Sox?  It took until 12:30 AM, but the Bearded Wonders cemented their collective place in the hearts of Red Sox Nation by sending the Rays off to the golf course.

I haven’t checked the Boston City Charter, but I don’t see any insuperable obstacles to Koji Uehara, though technically a Japanese citizen, being elected by acclamation as the next mayor of the Hub of the Universe! Wow. He was lights out!

But my fav hero from last night was the Smartest Guy in Baseball, Craig Breslow. Just as he has been all season, he of the dual majors in molecular biophysics and biochemistry from down the road in New Haven, was unflappable (BTW: read his Wikipedia bio …. when he finally finishes with besbol, he’ll probably cure cancer!).

These guys have brought back such joy to New England after last season’s debacle. On to the World Series!

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