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FTC report provides good checklist to design in IoT security and privacy

SEC Chair Edith Ramirez has been pretty clear that the FTC plans to look closely at the IoT and takes IoT security and privacy seriously: most famously by fining IoT marketer TrendNet for non-existent security with its nanny cam.
Companies that want to avoid such actions — and avoid undermining fragile public trust in their products and the […]

IBM picks for IoT trends to watch this year emphasize privacy & security

Last month Bill Chamberlin, the principal analyst for Emerging Tech Trends and Horizon Watch Community Leader for IBM Market Development (hmmm, must have an oversized biz card..) published a list of 20 IoT trends to watch this year that I think provide a pretty good checklist for evaluating what promises to be an important period in which the IoT becomes more mainstream.
It’s […]

The #IoT Can Kill You! Got Your Attention? Car Security a Must

The Internet of Things can kill you.
Got your attention? OK, maybe this is the wake-up call the IoT world needs to make certain that privacy and security are baked in, not just afterthoughts.
I’ve blogged before about how privacy and security must be Job 1, but now it’s in the headlines because of a new report […]

Resolved: That 2015 Is When Privacy & Security Become #IoT Priority!

I’m a right-brained, intuitive type (ENFP, if you’re keeping Myers-Briggs score…), and sometimes that pays off on issues involving technology & the general public, especially when the decidedly non-technical, primal issue of FEAR comes into the equation.
I used to do a lot of crisis management work with Fortune 100 companies, and usually worked with engineers, […]

IoT Security After “The Interview”

Call me an alarmist, but in the wake of the “Interview” catastrophe (that’s how I see it in terms of both the First Amendment AND asymmetrical cyberwarfare), I see this as a clarion call to the #IoT industry to redouble efforts to make both security AND privacy Job #1.
Here’s the deal: if we want to […]

Seniors and the Internet of Things: Empowerment and Security Through Smart Aging

I was quoted extensively in a Sunday Boston Globe feature on the IoT. It was in a special section aimed at seniors, and I’d been really passionate with the reporter about the IoT’s potential to transform seniors’ lives through new products such as bedroom slippers with sensors that can detect minute variations in a senior’s gait […]

Could IoT Allow Do-over for Privacy, Security — & Trust?

Expect to be reading a lot here about privacy and security between now and my panel on those issues at the IoT Summit in DC, Oct. 1 & 2, as I prep to ask the panel questions!
Here’s another, from Stacy Higginbotham (BTW, she does a great podcast on IoT issues!), based on a conversation with ARM CTO Mike Muller. […]

Good Paper by Mercatus on IoT Privacy and Security

I’m politically on the liberal, not the libertarian side, but I’ve come to respect the libertarian Mercatus Center, in large part because of the great work Jerry Brito has done there on governmental transparency.
As part of my preparation to moderate a panel on security and privacy at the IoT Summit on October 1st in DC, I […]

The Hill Publishes Op-Ed on IoT Security and Privacy

Earlier this week, The Hill, the highly-respected Capitol Hill newspaper, published an op-ed co-authored by Chris Rezendes of INEX Advisors and me on the ever-important topic of IoT privacy and security (or lack thereof!).
In it, we warned that “on the heels of the NSA scandal, news of security problems’ threat to privacy may cripple the […]

I’ll moderate D.C. panel on IoT privacy and security!

Huzzah!  As you know, I’ve been repeating the mantra that, as technological barriers such as battery size disappear, the most important obstacle threatening full development of the Internet of Things is the linked issues of privacy and security.
That’s why I’m quite honored to announce I’ll be hosting a panel on those issues at the 2013 […]">Stephenson blogs on Internet of Things Internet of Things strategy, breakthroughs and management